Sunday, December 30, 2012

Tune In

Lots of thoughts tonight...  Will you forgive me if I ramble?

But first, watch this:

"Where is the Life we have lost in living?
Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?"
-- T. S. Eliot 

I long for truth.  I long for clarity.  I long for peace.

All of these are achieved through the spirit.  What causes me to lose sight of the truth?  Or to end up in a mental fog?  Or lose my peace?

It's simple really.

I close myself off.  I choose it by choosing worldly priorities over heavenly ones.  I allow influences into my life that redirect me away from God.  I fear.  I go through the motions of life with my blinders on.  I allow myself to become scattered and begin to drown in my doubts.

I was privileged to participate tonight in what I consider a very sacred choir rehearsal.  The spirit was so strong, it was practically tangible.  The gifts of that spirit were so obvious and beautiful.  Truth was presented and understood.  There was a meeting of the minds, a sharing of our selves.  My thoughts were clear and sure.  I felt grounded and confident in the things I was being taught.  There was an acceleration of understanding that was thrilling.

I felt such a desire to package up that feeling and carry it with me... but then, I can.

Is it difficult?  Definitely.  Do I fail to do it?  Yes, most of the time.  But is it possible, to have the spirit with you always?  Absolutely.

We are promised this in our baptismal covenants, and it is repeated in every sacrament prayer.  "They are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him, and keep his commandments which he hath given them, that they may always have his Spirit to be with them."  (Moroni 4:3)

When you feel that spirit, the truth of the gospel (and even all the other little truths we may encounter) are undeniable.  The feeling is indescribable.  So why do we fail to hold on to that?

Not just because we live in this world, but because we are far too willing to let this world live in us.

Think about that.

Just one more thought.

Sometimes I feel like I only have these little opportunities here or there to share my light or bask in the light of others.  But consider this: every choice we make is an opportunity to either invite or reject the spirit.  My response to my three-year-old waking me up at 4:30 in the morning will either draw the spirit close or push it away.  If I take a moment--or many moments throughout the day--to breath deeply and remember my divine potential, purpose, and desires, I could use that opportunity and the hundreds of others like it every day to be adding oil to my lamp and inviting the spirit deeper, more fully and firmly into my life.

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