Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thoughts: Church of Jesus Christ

This is one of my favorite children's songs.  I can't help but tear-up when I sing it, because it expresses my testimony so well, and in such a positive, upbeat way, just as it should be!

I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
I know it, I live it, and I love it!

I know who I am
I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father who loves me, and I love Him!

I know God's plan
I am here to gain a body, learn of Him, prove myself, and love and teach others.

I'll follow him in faith
I choose faith!  I choose to trust God without reservation.

I believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ
He came to earth and atoned for my sins, thus providing an example and a way for me to repent, improve, and progress.

I'll honor his name
I strive to live each moment so that he will be pleased with my choices.

I'll do what is right
The Holy Ghost directs me.

I'll follow his light
His light illuminates my path, my purpose and direction in life, and God's plan for me.

His truth I will proclaim!
Posessing such a wonderful and uplifting knowledge of truth, how can I help but long to shout it to the world?

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